Travis Scott responds to allegations that he covertly kissed Rojean Car and hit on Kylie Jenner

In response to claims that he cheated on Kylie Jenner, model Rojean Car hinted that Travis Scott was seeing someone else. The rapper disputes the allegations vehemently. The trio gained notoriety earlier this week when it was revealed that Rojean, with whom Travis was originally associated in 2013, and Travis had been hаnging out on a music video shoot. This was after the model shared a video of the rapper on her Instagram Story.

In the video, Rojean could be seen filming behind the camera while Travis could be seen in the distance. “I’m directing obvi,” she wrote. Rojean denied being together in the comments section (via Reddit) after the story stoked rumors of a romantic relationship between the two. He wrote, “I didn’t even realise he was there.” You guys have to quit spreading this s**t.””An uninvited person was sneaking photos on what was supposed to be a closed set while I was directing a video,” Travis wrote on Instagram Stories after making his own denial. This person is unknown to me. I haven’t dated this individual before. So please give up telling fictitious stories and playing endless online games.”


Rojean responded by disputing Travis’s assertion that he was unaware of her identity. He then reposted his statement and accused her of meeting up with Travis behind Kylie Jenner’s back.
She stated on Stories in a number of videos: “We’re not going to lie to me. That’s what we’re not going to do. Regardless of the amount of bull**** I received from it, I went along with the f***ing narrative and pretended I didn’t know you.

However, to claim that you are unfamiliar with me and have never been with me when in fact you have been with me, that everyone has witnessed you with me, and that I have videos and photos of you with me? Come on. Come on, gentleman.

The model then claimed that she had spent Valentine’s Day with Travis earlier in the year. “Every single girl I know blew me up when I ran out the f***ing door, saying things like, ‘Travis is asking for you.'” Return soon. Are we also acting as though that never occurred? You cheat every single f***ing night on that *****. It’s visible to the entire f***ing city! Avoid doing this.Travis refuted the allegations by tagging a picture he took on February 14 at 8:09 p.m. with the caption, “If u wasn’t at this table on V day then u wasn’t with me,” which implied he was with Kylie the entire time. The photo has now been removed.