These days, it seems like The Game is attempting to pick fights with everyone.Following last week’s raid on the artist’s Florida estate, Sean Kingston and his mother Janice Turner found themselves in the limelight. According to reports, Ver Ver Entertainment LLC sued Kingston earlier this year, which prompted the raid. He was allegedly supposed to have made promotional videos with Justin Bieber in return for a $150,000 entertainment system, but he never delivered, according to the firm. Even though he did not pay for the complete entertainment system, they claim that he is still in possession of it.
Despite not being at home during the raid, Kingston’s mother was arrested at the spot. He was taken into custody at a California concert a few hours later on accusations of tҺeft and fraud. The mugshot of Turner has now gone viral, and people are being really nasty about it.
Yesterday, The Game even chimed in via the comments area of No Jumper’s Instagram post. Nonetheless, he thinks it would be wise for him to remain silent. A simple “Unmmm… aite, I’m out” was all he wrote. Other users are divided over his comment. Others are advising him to get out of Kingston and his family’s affairs, even though others aren’t surprised by his decision to weigh in.
But he has clowned on a lot of people recently; Turner is just one of them. Even Meek Mill was targeted by The Game earlier this month. The Philadelphia-born artist apparently posted a selfie while on vacation, which prompted The Game to make a sardonic comment about how “life is good.” In light of the recent raid on Sean Kingston’s Florida home, what are your thoughts on the arrests of both him and his mother, Janice Turner? How does The Game’s opinion on Turner’s mugshot factor in? Post your opinions in the space provided, and be sure to check back with HNHH for further updates.